Advertising on the internet can be an expensive undertaking. Most large companies spend millions a year branding themselves and marketing to the masses. This makes it very hard to compete for your market share. If you try to go head to head with a large business you will simply be out gunned. There are only so many spots on the first page of Google and most of them are filled with highly authoritative, strong websites. i.e. Amazon, Wikipedia, etc.
Solution – We need to be more strategic with our targets. By focusing on Long Tailed Keywords we can get you first page placement on Google and increased revenue.
Long tailed keywords are searches in Google that are 3 to 6 words long, kind of like a phrase. An example could be something like;
Our plan for small business is to focus on a large number of long tailed keywords that receive 50 to 1,000 searches a month. By ranking high for multiple keywords we will increase your website traffic dramatically.
Example: Focus on long tailed keywords that receive 50 to 500 searches a month.