The Beginner’s Guide to Technical SEO

Finding it difficult to stand out on the Internet and be discovered? You’re not alone.

The world of SEO can sometimes be like a maze, but don’t give up yet! SEO technology makes your website appear among the top search engine results. Think about your website like a secret treasure – a brilliant eatery with spectacular dishes. Yet, if a beacon is not illuminated or a street isn’t paved, a potential customer won’t be able to find this store.

Technical SEO is the phrase that helps you make your website visible or searchable for search engines that work for you, like Google. It provides a website structure easily navigated by search engine crawlers to assess the website content, understand it promptly, and index it quicker. By optimising your site in terms of technical aspects, you’ll have hit your target and be on your way to the number one spot, having higher rankings, more organic traffic, and reaching your online goals.

In this blog, we will explain the complicated aspects of this topic and teach you how to use it efficiently. Then, we’ll discuss technical SEO, why it’s essential, and how you can finally jump in by improving your website’s technical SEO. The next part of our meeting is just ahead: your campaign for SEO success.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO means optimising your website’s “under the hood” sides to give it good search engine visibility. It’s all about building up the ability of search engines such as Google to quickly discover, comprehend, and catalogue or index your material, ultimately enhancing your website’s position in search results.

Think of it this way: lovely and yummy food, but the restaurant was dark and gloomy with no signage. The marketing does not matter; no one will notice how good the food is, whether you have done it or not. SEO features are like a big sign with no street traffic, which helps people notice your restaurant (or website) quickly.

Why is Technical SEO important?

Technical SEO is crucial for several reasons:

  • Increased Visibility: The site’s content should be prepared as `easy to reconcile` and understandable for search engines. By enhancing your site’s technical SEO, you help search engines find your site and, accordingly, lead to higher rankings, which could increase organic traffic.
  • Improved User Experience: These technical SEO factors also significantly affect website usability. A fast-loading website with a logical structure can be regarded as a good strategy that pays attention to search engines and your visitors’ happiness and interest.
  • Stronger Foundation: A strong technical SEO base provides a solid footing from which you can drive content-related activities and keyword optimization. If you have put your foot on a weak premise, no matter how genius you are in other areas, it is just sightseeing.

Basic Technical SEO Tasks

Now that you understand the importance of technical SEO let’s explore some basic tasks you can tackle:

  • Website Structure and Navigation: Picture the site as your own home. You prefer a well-examined and organised structure with definite categories and subcategories. This facilitates easy interaction for users and search engines in site navigation and finding the information they seek. Use simple menus and breadcrumb navigation (a trail of links a user has to click on when going through the website) to make the site more usable.
  • Website Speed: A slow webpage is nobody’s favourite. Search engines offload sites that load very slowly, so it is vital to optimise your site speed. For example, GooglePageSpeedInsights audits your site and gives recommendations on how to improve it. Techniques like image compression, minifying code, and minimising server response time will impact Website performance.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: In today’s world, where accessibility is on the move, your site needs to be responsive and viewable on various platforms (desktops, tablets, and smartphones). Google ranks websites optimised for mobile devices at the top of search results. Responsive web design that can be elastic is always a good choice, or developing a special mobile website is a good way of doing this.
  • Crawlability and Indexation: Search engines are the agents that send out crawlers (which are also called spiders) to sift and index pages on the World Wide Web. You aim to get crawlers’ attention and analyse your information for their bots. Ensure your robots.txt file (that file that tells search engines which pages to crawl and index) is updated, and there are no technical issues (technical barriers) preventing crawlers from accessing your site.
  • XML Sitemap: An XML sitemap is a file that lists all significant pages on your website. By sending the XML sitemap to search engines, you can speed up and facilitate the discovery and indexing of your content. Most website platforms provide program modules as plugins and tools to generate and submit a sitemap.
  • Structured Data: The structured data (also known as schema markup) acts as a way to convey more facts about your content to search engines. This may include product specifications for an e-commerce website or details concerning local events for a business company. The structured data markup will allow the search engines to understand your content better and, in some cases, show richer search results when users search. This will likely boost the clicks.

How to Improve Your Website’s Technical SEO

There are several ways to get started with improving your website’s technical SEO:

  • Technical SEO Audit: Do a technical SEO audit on your site to raise its quality. This will help you discover where you might get stuck and fix it. In the current market, you can find free and paid SEO tools that can scan your site and provide a white report that will direct you to the target of weakness.
  • Fix Crawl Errors: The audition might involve situations where cars or other obstacles, such as block links or access to another dimension, might be restricted. Correct these misses so that search engines can access and index them appropriately.
  • Internal Linking: On the other hand, Intra-site links are hyperlinks used on your website to link to different pages. Controlling the linking structure helps search engines know the interconnections between pages and transfer links between pages on your website. Select keywords and topics relevant to your contention and give links to pages on your site to enable easy navigation and boost SEO.
  • HTTPS: Include a significant cut that your website is secure with an HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) connection. This helps website security and is counted as a search engine ranking factor. Other articles Most web hosting services come with an inbuilt version of a certificate for the websites hosted on their servers, which is otherwise complicated to implement.
  • Disavow Links: Undoubtedly, if your website goes through the acquisition of backlinks (links from other sites to your website) from substandard or spammy sources, you could find yourself almost in a worse situation than when you began. You can use a disavow tool from Google Search Console to preclude the search engine from assuming that these links refer to your websites.
  • Monitor and Maintain: Continuous technical SEO service is integral to online optimisation. Utilise SEO tools and analytics to help you regularly track your site’s health and performance. Review and align with the latest SEO recommendations and sometimes update techniques as search engines update their algorithms.

Consider the technical SEO as your investment. Commit to investing time and effort towards improving your website’s technical facets to enable you to reap long-term benefits. Here’s how you can become a technical SEO champion:

  1. Become a Data Detective: SEO tools and analytics platforms are your partners in crime. Run all these tools regularly to monitor your website’s status and performance. Tools like Google Search Console help you find crawl errors, broken links, or mobile usability issues. Doing this will help you create a good flow for search engines and your valuable content.
  2. Keep checking on updates: The SEO industry is ever-changing. Search mechanisms’ algorithms are constantly refined, and best practices may change. Always keep informed on new trends by reading SEO blogs, attending industry webinars, and participating in online SEO groups. This safeguards your technical SEO strategies from wearing out.


Technical SEO may sound complicated initially, but focusing on the essential tasks mentioned above can lay a solid foundation for your website’s SEO success. Technical SEO is all about making your website search engine-friendly and user-friendly. Focusing on both aspects can improve your website’s visibility, attract organic traffic, and ultimately achieve your online goals.

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